We are exceedingly proud to have recently reached a major milestone. Over the course of the 90 days and more than 500 survey responses, our clients gave our Help Desk 100% positive feedback! WOW!
Those responses came from over 2,000 help desk requests representing three of the busiest months in our company’s history. It’s safe to say that if any one of those clients felt underserved, we would not have reached this mark.
Unanimous client satisfaction isn’t an accident. It’s a result of hiring the right people, supporting them well and constantly searching for ways to improve.
Our hiring process is epic – online applicants must pass two skills tests before anyone speaks to them. After that, there is a resume review and a 30-minute phone interview with our CEO. If they pass that, candidates take a typing test, a multi-dimensional personality test, and pass a background check.
If they’ve made it to this point, they visit our office and go through multiple rounds of interviews: they are tested technically by our most knowledgeable techs, examined for culture fit by two senior people, and their future coworkers interview them for team fit. And that’s what we do for interns.
Once a candidate becomes a team member, cautious skepticism turns into enthusiastic support. New folks find eager assistance – our team is helpful by nature. There is plenty of shadowing and training, and we have a system for getting new employees up to speed. One of our core values is “Teach yourself, help others”, so we expect our team to take responsibility for their own education. Besides peer training, we heavily invest in tools and processes to make knowledge readily available.
No one is perfect, so we’ve implemented feedback systems to help us adjust course when necessary. Every help desk ticket creates an automated survey email when completed. If there is a neutral or negative review, a post-mortem is performed – often within an hour of the review. Processes are improved when failures are found. Systems are in place to monitor ticket response times, tech workloads, etc. If resources need to be moved around the business, we’ll know right away.
Reaching 100% client satisfaction is an enormous achievement for our team, and we are incredibly proud. We won’t stay perfect forever, and that’s OK – with the hard work of our team leveraging the tools and processes in place, it will give us an opportunity to improve once again.