I Know Your Largest Security Vulnerability

The greatest threat to network security in your organization is known by every hacker on the planet. More than likely, they have been testing your system multiple times per day for years. They have been searching for the weakest link in the softest part of your armor, and when they find it, they will exploit it for days or even months until you are alerted to their activity.

Seven Reasons to Back Up Your Cloud Data

Whether your data is stored in a hosted email system, in a file sharing system such as Dropbox or Google Docs, or in an industry-specific application, it’s important to acknowledge the limitations of your providers’ backups.

Microsoft has a policy of backing up data in its system based on a complicated set of factors which result in them keeping files between 30 days and 3 months but doesn’t guarantee anything.

Security best practices for remote workers

Working from home increases employee autonomy, cuts costs, and ensures the health and safety of the company during the coronavirus pandemic. The problem is, it also increases the likelihood of security breaches since employees are working outside the company’s security perimeter. That’s why you and your staff must adhere to these security best practices. Fortify […]

Autocomplete password risks

Web browsers come with features to improve user experience. One of the most popular ones is auto-fill passwords. These are designed for users to store and automatically use their account credentials to access websites and other applications. While auto-fill passwords are convenient, they come with security risks. Read more. Why auto-fill passwords are so dangerous […]

3 Hats a hacker might wear

While not always accurate in its portrayal of hackers, Hollywood does get at least one thing right: there are many types of hackers out there, all with varied methods and motivations. In this article, we’ll take a look at three main types of hackers. A complicated history In the 1950s, the term “hacker” was vaguely […]

Planning For Business Continuity

The CDC has released a guide on how businesses should be preparing for a possible outbreak of COVID-19 (commonly referred to as the Coronavirus). While the guide has a lot of great information, we wanted to summarize it and add a few more details that Central Texas businesses should be reviewing now to limit the impact of an outbreak on both employees and operations.

Make the most of your cybersecurity investment

As cybersecurity incidents become more sophisticated, frequent, and intelligent, experts predict that the global market for cybersecurity products in 2020 will exceed that of last year. In fact, your company might be one of the thousands of businesses looking to purchase cybersecurity software. To maximize your company’s cybersecurity investment, follow these steps. Uncover threats and […]

Office 365 hacking: What you need to know

There really is an app for almost everything — including one that cybercriminals use to hack into businesses’ systems. Cyberattacks have become so advanced that they are now aided by an app, like this one that poses serious threats to Office 365 users.

Data security: Prevent insider threats

In the healthcare industry, 58% of security incidents begin with an inappropriate action carried out by someone within the affected organization. Although the percentage isn’t as high among other industries, it’s still something you can’t afford to ignore. Here’s a look at five ways to prevent such breaches. #1 Educate You must teach your team […]

Security audits: Data integrity’s last line of defense

Businesses should take every precaution when it comes to data and network protection. Leverage the capabilities of a competent IT partner by augmenting their round-the-clock oversight and regularly update protocols with timely security audits. Auditing and the security strategy Audits are necessary to maintain system integrity and uphold quality. These system checks help identify security […]