
Twitter tips to boost your business

Without a doubt, social media marketing is one of the most powerful methods your business can employ to reach a wider audience. When we think of social media marketing, our thoughts immediately turn to Facebook. Yet Twitter has also become an influential tool used by numerous businesses. As a small business owner, you should consider using Twitter to market your business. Here are some Twitter best practices to maximize the platform for marketing.

Build a profile that stands out

If you’re just starting out on Twitter, you want to make your Twitter handle relevant to your company. If your brand name is already used by somebody else, you can add a CTA or an attractive description at the beginning of your company name.

For example, your company name is “LuckyABC”, but another company has the same name and is already using it as their Twitter handle, all you need to do is get creative and pick a handle like “ChooseLuckyABC” or “GetLuckyABC”. Don’t forget to refine your description, website link, and location so that your followers will get an immediate idea of what your business is.

Build your Twitter followers

You can do this by carefully selecting keywords to target. If your Twitter followers are well-defined, increasing their numbers by engaging them will benefit your business. Additionally, if your followers increase, you’ll also get more engagement and clicks through your website.

Tweet regularly

Consistent tweeting indicates an active, healthy profile. If you tweet only once a week, or worse, once a month, most of your followers will forget about you. You’ve worked hard to get them to follow you, so make an effort to keep them engaged by interacting with them on a regular basis. Make sure you tweet relevant, useful, and interesting information — content your followers will read, retweet, and like. Come up with a tweet schedule and refer to it when you’re running out of ideas.

Follow influencers and trends

It pays to stay on top of the latest happenings in your industry. Try to put your business in the light by following relevant influencers, hashtags, and trending topics. This way you’ll always have something new to share with your followers.

Following industry leaders gives your audience another perspective of your brand. It gives soul to your profile, so that you don’t appear like a cold, lifeless company to your audience. Also consider adding trending hashtags to your tweets in order to reach new users that have similar interests.

Use visuals

People tend to understand visual content more than text. Try to create a dynamic experience for your Twitter audience by adding different types of media to your tweets, such as images and videos, which are proven to gain more views, clicks, and shares than plain text tweets.

Retweet great content

Don’t be afraid to retweet when you see something worth sharing with your followers. Retweeting somebody else’s Twitter content has its own benefits — you create a good relationship with other influencers on Twitter, and it shows your followers that you’re an active member of your online community.

Track mentions

Know what’s being said about you by tracking brand mentions and keywords. This is a great way to provide distinctive customer service or to reach out to new customers. For instance, when someone is tweeting feedback on your products or services, take the opportunity to respond politely. When you see someone tweet about their needs for a specific service, you can jump into the conversation and introduce your company.

Integrate with other marketing efforts

Twitter is much more effective when integrated with your other marketing activities, such as email subscriptions. For example, if you’re running a promotion or contest via Twitter, let your email subscribers know about it. Since they signed up, they expect to receive notifications and the latest news about your business.

If you want to integrate Twitter into your business’s social media marketing campaigns, get in touch with us today.

Published with permission from TechAdvisory.org. Source.
Headshots Adam 1 thegem person


Help Desk

Adam was in the Navy before he joined our team in 2015. He is cool under pressure and a calming influence on the help desk. Perhaps this is because, after staring down Somali pirates off the coast of Africa, printer and email problems don’t seem so intimidating! Adam likes to shoot things (not people – thought we should make that clear), play Xbox, and of course, shoot things on Xbox! A husband of fourteen years with two children, he has been all over the world and still calls Central Texas his home. His teammates say, “Adam has an incredible memory when it comes to our clients. He remembers names, Internet settings, applications and printers!”
Headshots Tyler thegem person


Projects Team Lead
Tyler cut his technological teeth through four years both in part-time work and in working with one of our telephony partners. Tyler loves working and learning, and has built a larger network at his home than 90% of our clients have in their businesses! He is thoughtful with his own money, preferring to buy a home and drive an old truck rather than pay rent and car payments. His hobbies of woodworking and gardening dovetail nicely with home ownership! He’s been known to play a bit of electric guitar, he enjoys 3D modeling and printing, and drives a gray Mustang GT that he’s modded as completely as his computers! Several of our team were in the wedding party when he got married!
Headshots Aaron thegem person

Aaron Johnstone

Help Desk Manager
With more patience than Job and more experience than most people in IT today, Aaron is the go-to guy for challenging problems. He directs our team both in the maintenance and help-desk functions. Aaron has been in IT for over twenty years and has played nearly every role possible EXCEPT, he reminds us, Sales. We can test almost every system in our client base on Aaron’s home network because it’s extensive and complex. When he isn’t tinkering with computers, he loves to read, play video games with his kids, and run. Aaron’s been married to his wife for twenty-one years and they have two daughters and a son. His teammates say, “I can always count on him to have my back. If I can’t find the answer, Aaron knows where to look!”
Headshots Eli thegem person

Eli Meier

Eli is our jack-of-all-trades. His degree is in English, and he intended to teach before he discovered a natural aptitude for computers. He combines the two in his role at Lighthouse, as he has a unique ability to explain complex technology in relatable, understandable conversation. Over more than twenty years working in IT, he’s written e-commerce programs for a university, set up an email cluster for a major league baseball team, and managed/executed hundreds of IT projects. He enjoys classic Volkswagens, cooking and barbeque, and hiking and camping. He and his wife have been married twenty-one years and have nine kids. Though he is 6’1”, he is the SHORTEST male in his entire extended family. We all feel badly for him.
Headshots Ray thegem person

Ray Wilson

Chief Executive Officer
Ray is our CEO and he is passionate about helping businesses – both ours and our clients’ – succeed. Except for Skip, he’s probably been involved with IT longer than anyone – he was troubleshooting computers and repairing them at his school when he was seven! As an intern while attending UMHB, he was involved with IT, but really started growing when he joined our team in 2005. When he transitioned most of our clients to managed services, our MSP business was truly born, and we then grew it from five to forty people between 2006 and 2016. In that time, he was a help desk tech, business processes consultant, account manager, salesperson, sales engineer, client services manager, sales manager, and COO. If you want to get his juices flowing, challenge him to any team sport or ask him to go snow skiing. He’s been married to his high school sweetheart fourteen years and they have three high-energy boys. Oh… and both of his parents are also small business entrepreneurs.

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